We offer a wide range of services At the Denman Island Medical Clinic
Regular Office Visit
Please note that all standard appointments are allotted 15 minutes. Given this duration your doctor can only thoroughly focus and manage one, perhaps two issues during one visit. We however welcome you back for another visit if there are more issues you need help with anytime.
Complex Office Visit
For more complex office visits. A consultation with your family practitioner scheduled in a 30 minute time slot.
Same Day Rapid Access For Urgent Issues
We reserve 3-5 appointment slots daily for urgent fit-in appointments. They are only made available for urgent health issues. This ensures that we can see sick patients for whom a time delay can be detrimental e.g. sick babies, flare up of COPD, heart failure, infections, new injuries. These appointments are short and focused on a particular problem only.
You may be pleasantly surprised to get a same day spot if you call. If you are very ill and your physician’s same day appointments are already full the staff will be happy to discuss treatment options with you.
Medication Refills
Please plan well ahead for medication refill appointments. Contact the office when you pick up your last refill from the pharmacy to book for follow up refills. If you will run out before you can get an appointment your pharmacist will be able to give you an emergency supply on most medications.
Early Pregnancy
Diagnosis followed by physical and early work up then referral to maternity or midwifery.
We are happy to see all patients for early pregnancy diagnosis, initial investigation and referral to our colleagues for ongoing pre-natal care. We are happy to refer to family physicians who practice obstetrics or midwives. We will continue to see our patients for all other health related issues during their pregnancies. Their babies will automatically become our patients after birth.
Termination Of Pregnancy
We support females’ reproductive rights and will refer to abortion clinics when requested. We offer Plan B for free at our clinic.
Patients may Self Refer by calling the Comox Valley Hospital Colposcopy Clinic at (250) 331-5900 ext. 65371
Flu Clinics
Please contact the office to set up your yearly Flu vaccine appointment. You may also receive a Flu shot by booking with public health or by seeing a pharmacy near you. We do ask to keep us updated on your vaccine status as we can then add it to your chart.
Advance Care Planning
We highly advise that all adult patients have an advance care plan. This will allow us to know your values and wishes for care in the event that you are unable to speak for yourself. You can do this from your home and share your document with us later. You can appoint a substitute decision maker so we will also know who you wanted in charge of your medical decisions if you are incapacitated. Our social workers are happy to discuss this with you. See our resources section for more information. If you have a living will, we would be happy to have a copy on your file.
Nurse Services and Consultations
Injections, ear syringing, dressing changes, general advice, health promotion and prevention counselling. Follow up appointments for chronic disease management.
Mental Health
Physician basic counseling, and social work counsellors via the PCN team and through Denman Hornby Health Society
Outside of Office Consultations
Home visits for bedridden and End of Life Patients.
ICBC Injuries
Visits for diagnosis, treatment & ICBC mandated assessments
WCB Injuries
As soon as possible after your injury. For diagnosis, treatment and follow up. Please download and fill out the required form in advance.
Medical Procedures and Minor Surgeries
Procedures and Minor Surgeries
Biopsies, excisions, drainage of abscesses & cysts, wound care, lacerations, IUD insertion and removal, Nexplannon insertion and removal. Slinting, Removal of sutures or staples, catheters and stents, foreign bodies. Joint aspirations, joint injections, bursa injections, trigger point injections.
Physicals, Drivers Medicals, Pre-Op Examinations
Complete Physical Examination
Complete physicals are not funded by MSP and they do not reduce the death rate in the general population. Your physician will invite you to attend a full physical exam if it is required to investigate your health problem.
Drivers Medical Examinations
For drivers examinations for ages 79+ a cognitive test will be performed as well as the standard medical examination. If you wish to have an advocate present for this, it is recommended.
Blue and yellow forms. For specialist licenses or age-related driving assessments.
Preventative Health Care Visits
Well Child Visits
Routine visits at ages 6 weeks, 2 , 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24 months and 5 years.
Cardiovascular Screening
All patients over age 40 should have their blood pressure checked once a year. Patients with a family history of premature heart disease e.g. heart attack in a parent or sibling (men younger than 55 and females younger than 65) should check their Blood Pressure starting at age 18.
All patients over 40 should have screening for diabetes every 5 years.
Pap smears
Women aged 25-70 should have pap smears every 3 years to detect cervical cancer early. We automatically recall women who are due for pap smears if they have had a previous pap smear in our clinic.
Some patients may require more frequent follow up.
Colon Cancer Screening
Patients aged 50 - 74 will be enrolled in the BC colon cancer screening program during a visit. The 2 yearly recalls will automatically be managed by the BC colon cancer screening program. Those patients who require colonoscopies will either require referral by their physician for follow up at the specific time interval or may be booked by the screening program depending on the reason for colonoscopy.
Women 40-74 years of age are recommended to have a mammogram every 2 years for breast cancer screening. It can be booked by phone by the patient through the BC Breast cancer screening program.
Phone 1-800-663-9203 .
Reminders and results get mailed to patients once they are enrolled. Patients with prior breast cancer or breast implants are required to visit their physician to arrange for a diagnostic mammogram.
Lung Cancer Screening
Patients aged 50-74 with a smoking history of at least 20 pack years (i.e. 1 pack year = 20 cigarettes per day for a year) can consider getting a low dose CT scan yearly to detect early lung cancer.
AAA Screening
All men should have an abdominal ultrasound once between the ages of 50-70 to check for an abdominal aortic aneurysm. Women are at much lower risk and do not require screening.
Prostate Cancer
Men with a family history of prostate cancer should have yearly prostate screening (PSA blood test) from age 50-70. Men with no family history can choose to do prostate screening but are urged to do so. Cost of a PSA is not covered and is around $30.00.
HIV & Sexually Transmitted Diseases
All adult patients should consider screening for HIV from ages 18-70 every 5 years. We will gladly do sexual transmitted illness screening in those who ask, in whom it is medically indicated and in all pregnant patients in early pregnancy.
Hepatitis C screening is offered for patients born between 1945-1975.
Medical Assistance in Dying
All our physicians are supportive of patients who wish to discuss Medical Assistance in Dying as an option of care. We will supply information about MAID as well as all your other care options if you so wish. All our physicians provide palliative care. We see MAID as an option on the menu of end-of-life care. We know most people are a bit frightened of what may come and are nervous to talk about their fears in dying. We will talk about it as much or little as you need. Talking about your goals, hopes and fears may help us figure out together how to best care for you. We want to respect your wishes and ensure we walk this road with you.
Dr. Daws is one of the local MAID providers and would be happy to provide further information upon request. Your family physician can refer you to Dr. Daws or any MAID provider locally.
Private Services
Services Not Covered by MSP
These services and consultations are not covered by MSP. Please enquire about the fees before you book the appointment.
Travel related consultations, medications, vaccinations, forms.
Employment related physicals & forms.
Drivers examination and forms.
Legal letters and reports, court testimony.
Insurance Forms.
Cosmetic Lesion removal
Telephonic prescription refills
Lab Services
LifeLabs is in clinic every Wednesday morning. Appointments are required and can be booked through LifeLabs.