Our clinic policies are designed to protect our patients, physicians and staff. Please ensure you have a look at all of our policies prior to your first visit.
Most physicians use 15 minute appointment slots for routine visits, and 30 minute visits for longer appointments such as complete physical exams, Driver’s License exams, complex care planning sessions, and individual counselling visits. These longer visits have to be requested ahead of time or will not be possible due to scheduling.
We have a ‘No-Show’ policy regarding patients who fail to show up for scheduled appointments without canceling ahead of time. This policy is an unfortunate necessity, as last year hundreds of appointments were not attended by patients who were booked into our clinic. This prevents other patients from getting more timely access to medical care. Therefore, we will be sending out a letter to patients who miss two appointments as a gentle warning, but after that we will have to send out bills for $25 for further missed appointments. Missing longer appointments such as complete physical exams, complex care plans, and counselling visits may result in larger ‘No-Show’ bills.
We strive to protect the health of our patients. That is why we request that all our patients who have a cough, fever, active sneezing or could be contagious for any reason need to disinfect their hands and wear a mask upon arrival to our office before checking in at the front desk. We have hand sanitizer and masks at the entrance to our clinic for this purpose.
Our clinic is a fragrance free zone. This includes perfumes and scents as well as wafts such as marijuana and tobacco. Patients who smoke heavily, especially in enclosed spaces or in the car before their visit create an unpleasant atmosphere in the waiting and exam rooms. It can trigger lung symptoms in other patients and our staff.
We care for many patients who are elderly and/or immune compromised here on Denman Island. Exposure to an illness such as measles, COVID and whooping cough could be deadly for them. Our office should be a safe zone for all patients. You 100 % have the right to make decisions for yourself and your family. We value your personal autonomy to make decisions about your own body. And above all we want all patients to feel supported at our clinic (including those who may not wish to be vaccinated). We however do have a duty to protect everyone in our clinic as they rely on us to keep them safe.
If you or your child is unvaccinated (standard childhood vaccination schedule) and are ill, we will see you at the end of our clinic day to avoid potential exposure of serious illness in the waiting room.
There is a ZERO TOLERANCE policy towards abusive or violent behavior in our clinic. Anyone displaying such behavior will be asked to leave the premises. If you are unsure what constitutes abusive or violent behavior don’t worry, we will let you know.
We welcome you to use your cell phone in silent mode in the waiting room. Please take calls outside. Please do not answer calls while in the exam room.
The College of Physicians and Surgeons has a very clear policy regarding prescribing opioids (aka narcotics). More information
At times, our regular physician will need to be away from the office for educational training, for the occasional sick day, or just for some rest and relaxation. During these times we will strive to have other qualified doctors filling in. We appreciate your willingness to be seen by a locum. We also ask that if seeing a locum give them a warm Denman reception in effort to recruit permanent doctors.